Sunday, September 13, 2015

Riding Into the Autumn Months

I don't think that I am alone in relishing the transition between the seasons. The change in color of the leaves, the altered weather patterns, the shortening of the days and lengthening of the nights, all of these are a feature of the essential progression of time that highlights living in the temperate parts of North America.

But specifically as a cyclist, I particularly enjoy pushing myself day by day, week by week, to continue to ride my bicycle to work. As the days shorten and the weather cools, my morning rides are getting progressively darker and cooler, and are more likely to feature mist, rain, and eventually snow.

While I usually throw in the towel when weather dips below 35 degrees Fahrenheit, I have been known to just bundle up and keep going, and over time I've collected a set of gear to extend this period of commuting further and further. Construction grade gloves, parka-style winter gear, multiple layers of pants and overbuilt boots are just a part of the overall kit that keeps me feeling toasty.

Knowing that I am keeping myself fit, saving myself fifty cents- a dollar for every mile compared to driving a car, or three dollars a day in bus fare, just by riding my bike is a nice bonus too. Best of all, I don't need a gym membership just to get my cardiovascular exercise in.

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