Friday, June 12, 2015

Snag a ride on Craigslist and save!

I was doing a bit of research and found a great ad on Craigslist for anyone in the Boston, Mass area.

Someone is cleaning out their basement and claims to be disposing of 2 bicycles as soon as possible.

The best part is, they are free!
This is actually not a craigslist bike.

I've had a lot of luck finding bicycles for close to or actually no money on Craigslist over the years, and it has saved me a lot of money in the long run.

Even if you have to spend 65 dollars on a tune up, you will still come out way ahead if your bicycle only cost 100 dollars in the first place, and there are a lot of deals where your bike might even be free.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Spinning my wheels: Selecting a bike trainer that's right for me

I'm considering getting a bike trainer to practice with on stormy days and nights.

I've looked into it a little bit, and there are a lot of different options to consider.

One could go for a magnetic trainer, with resistance provided by pure physical magnetism, or a liquid or air based trainer that provides resistance with fluid resistance, which increases with the speed at which one pedals.

Another option would be to get a set of rollers, and just go to town in my basement or garage riding at a ridiculous clip.

Finally, I could buy a used spinner or exercise cycle, which would probably be pretty cheap, but then I'd have to find a way to bring it home. I'd probably be able to snag one on Cragslist relatively easily.

Has anyone out there decided on a trainer?

Any suggestions?